Tag Archives: American Physical Society

IBM: Progress made for implementing a practical quantum computer

IBM – IBM Research (NYSE: IBM)/ (#ibmresearch) have achieved major advances in quantum computing device performance that may accelerate the realization of a practical, full-scale quantum computer.

IBM researchers will be presenting their latest results today at the annual meeting taking place February 27-March 2, 2012 in Boston, Mass.

The special properties of qubits will allow quantum computers to work on millions of computations at once, while desktop PCs can typically handle minimal simultaneous computations. For example, a single 250-qubit state contains more bits of information than there are atoms in the universe.

These properties will have wide-spread implications foremost for the field of data encryption where quantum computers could factor very large numbers like those used to decode and encode sensitive information.

“The quantum computing work we are doing shows it is no longer just a brute force physics experiment. It’s time to start creating systems based on this science that will take computing to a new frontier,” says IBM scientist Matthias Steffen, manager of the IBM Research team that’s focused on developing quantum computing systems to a point where it can be applied to real-world problems. [VIDEO 4:46] more> http://is.gd/4XAK3K